



Extract from the prelude entitled “Les Terrasses des audiences du clair de Lune”.

inspired by

“Des pas sur la neige”

“Ce rythme doit avoir la valeur sonore d’un fond de paysage triste et glacé” (This rhythm must have the sound value of a sad and frozen landscape background) says Debussy in the sixth prelude of the first book. Two pages of ineffable solitude in a deserted corner where a faceless being has left the most precarious and fragile trace of his passage, which a breeze will soon erase…

inspired by

“Feux d’artifice”

Debussy’s hesitant quotation of the Marseillaise at the end of the prelude entitled “Fireworks” suggests that we are in Paris. The crackling of rockets, explosions, whirring, dazzling bouquets, everything that sparkles, everything that shines in the night, all the enchantment of lights is in this music.

debussy project

other paintings

(…Hommage à S. Pickwick Esq. PPMPC)

(…Feuilles mortes)


(…Les Fées sont d’exquises danseuses)

(…Général Lavine – Excentric)

Tigran Poghossian Ondine (...Ondine)



(…Tierces alternées)

(…La Terrasses des audiences du clair de lune)


(…La Puerta del Vino)

stay in touch


For all concert bookings, painting acquisitions or collaborations.

Location : Berlin

Tigran poghossian

Pianist & painter